Dear Stakeholders, Investors and Our Clients,
ERSA has completed and delivered many successful projects in 3 different continents in a short period. I would like to thank once again to every
member of that written-history. In a very challenging period of our old World we reached our targets and completed that period with success.
Although we are highly experienced and committed to success we also know our responsibilities to leave a better Earth to the new generations.
ERSA has remained resilient through a challenging period of Earth last few years by staying relevant, embracing diversity and drawing strength
from it. ERSA has a talent mix of cultures, nationalities, gender and age by serving in 3 continents and 8 different countries. This has provided us
with the necessary skills and knowledge to remain strong and focused to success.
The responsibility we have to fulfill our Clients’ expectations also reminds us our responsibilities to the Earth and humanity. As ERSA we are
recognising the risks from climate change and also our obligations – Our efforts are intended to raise the awareness and appreciation amongst
PLCs of their ability to play a pivotal role in mitigating the irreversible or detrimental effects of climate inaction through their actions and decisions.
Therefore, in addition to managing our own environmental footprint, ERSA aims to influence international capital market to accelerate efforts to
meet climate goals. Part of our role as the stock exchange and sustainability advocate is to promote the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations as a means to help PLCs future-proof their businesses, enhance market quality, drive capital towards
sustainable investments and facilitate an effective transition to a low-carbon economy. Also ERSA commits to realize many social responsibility
projects for the society for better future. This is our promise to our nations.
As a Chairman my work to transform ERSA for our commitments has just begun. While we recognise that there are challenges ahead, we are
confident that the business pillars we have built up in construction and tourism sectors will play an important role in bringing ERSA to greater
heights to play a role as a Sector Leader to gain our goals.
For a green, sustainable, clean and safe environment we will keep working with every member of our company.